View helpers

View helpers extend the View functionality adding a possibility to call you own logic inside html templates (view more details about views).


The config helper allows you access to any registered configs. For example the main layout displays a site name as following:

// sourced from: src/Module/Base/view/layout/base.phtml

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
        <meta charset="utf-8">
        <title><?= $this->config('site')['name'] ?></title>

You only need to pass a config key to get an access to its values. the config file itself:


    // sourced from: src/Module/Base/config.php

    return [
        'site' => [
            'name' => 'Test site'


Using the the Url helper you can display a url, based on a some registered route. Lets check a look an example:

// sourced from: src/Module/Base/view/layout/base.phtml

        <a href="<?= $this->url('UserController', 'list', 'User') ?>">Users</a>

To correctly build an url you need to pass there a controller name, a method and a module name. If the helper cannot resolve a route based on received parameters it triggers an Exception.

Partial View

Some times we need to use already created templates in other templates in order to reduce a duplicate code.

Lets consider an example:

We are going to display a user list in many places on the site. So first of all it would be great to create a user template:

// sourced from: src/Module/User/view/partial/user.phtml

    <b><?= $this->id ?></b>: <?= $this->name ?>

Now we are ready to use it everywhere.

// sourced from: src/Module/User/view/UserController/list.phtml

    <?php foreach ($this->users as $user): ?>
            <?= $this->partialView('partial/user', 'User',  $user) ?>
    <?php endforeach ?>

To use a partial view you need to pass there a path to the template file and a module name where that file is located. And the last parameter is the template’s variables.


Let’s implement a very simple custom helper for demonstration, let say It would return a random value (suppose it’s a CustomModule).


    namespace Tiny\Skeleton\Module\CustomModule\EventListener\ViewHelper;

    class ViewHelperRandomListener
         * @param  Event  $event
        public function __invoke(Event $event)
            // we don't use any arguments in this example
            $arguments = $event->getParams()['arguments'];


Then we need to register this listener class in configs:


    // Module/CustomModule/config.php

    use Tiny\Skeleton\Module\Base\EventListener;
    use Tiny\View\View;
    use Tiny\Skeleton\Module\CustomModule;
    use Tiny\ServiceManager\Factory\InvokableFactory;

    return [
        'service_manager' => [
            'shared' => [
                // we don't need any dependencies that's why we are using the "InvokableFactory"
                CustomModule\EventListener\ViewHelper\ViewHelperRandomListener::class  => InvokableFactory::class,
        'listeners' => [
            // view helper
                'event'    => View::EVENT_CALL_VIEW_HELPER.'random',
                'listener' => EventListener\ViewHelper\ViewHelperRandomListener::class,

Now we can use it in templates, like:

    <b><?= $this->random() ?></b>