
Whenever you need a Class file (a listener, a service, a controller, etc) you have to register that class in configs, aside from that each class should have its own factory which initializes the class object and resolves its dependencies.

Lets consider we need to have a service TestService (suppose it’s a CustomModule), let’s create a a file:


namespace Tiny\Skeleton\Module\CustomModule\Service;

use Tiny\Skeleton\Module\AnotherCustomModule\Service\AnotherTestService;

class TestService
     * @var AnotherTestService
    private $anotherTestService;

     * TestService constructor.
     * @param  AnotherTestService   $anotherTestService
    public function __construct(AnotherTestService $anotherTestService)
        // this dependency will be resolved in a factory below
        $this->anotherTestService = $anotherTestService;


Now we need a factory for that:


    namespace Tiny\Skeleton\Module\CustomModule\Service\Factory;

    use Tiny\Skeleton\Module\AnotherCustomModule\Service\AnotherTestService;

    class TestServiceFactory

         * @param  ServiceManager  $serviceManager
         * @return TestService
        public function __invoke(ServiceManager $serviceManager): TestService
            return new TestService(
                // the 'Service manager' helps us to resolve dependencies


And the final thing, we need to register those both classes in the config:


    // Module/CustomModule/config/service-manager.php

    use Tiny\Skeleton\Module\CustomModule;

    return [
        'shared' => [
            // service
            CustomModule\Service\TestService::class => CustomModule\Service\Factory\TestServiceFactory::class,

You can make that service either Singleton or Discrete view more details.