
Standalone routing implementation for HTTP and console requests.


Run the following to install this library:

$ composer require esase/tiny-router


The Route() object is responsible for storing a meta information describing the route (controller, action, etc). There is no any difference between HTTP and CLI routes (but anyway you may add a context of the route, see examples below). There are two types of routes which you may operate:

  1. Literal - just a fixed string without any dynamic parameters. For the HTTP it would be like: /users/list, and for the CLI: users import.
  2. Regexp - this type allows to write powerful routes using Regular expression and include tricky parameters.

Literal example

To initialize a literal route you only need to create an object and pass: a request identifier, a controller name and the controller’s action as well: We are free to pass the controller’s action as a string or an array. When we pass the array we assign specific http methods to concrete actions in the controller (it may be skipped for the CLI mode, there are no http methods). When we pass a string we assume there are no limitations by methods (we accept everything).


    use Tiny\Router\Route;

    // http example
    $home = new Route(

    $user = new Route(
            'GET' => 'list',
            'POST' => 'create'

    // cli example
    $userImport = new Route(
        'users import',


Regexp example

In this case the initialization looks a bit difficult at the first glance. Instead of a simple string we pass a string in the regular expression format. Also we must provide:

  • The router’s type as: regexp.
  • We define the list of dynamic parameters which are used in the route, in our first example it’s only the id.
  • The specification - is used for assembling requests in regexp routes. The spec is simply a string; replacements are identified using “%keyname%”.

    use Tiny\Router\Route;

    // http example
    $user = new Route(
        '|^/users/(?P<id>\d+)$|i', // it's matches to: /users/1, /users/300, etc
            'GET' => 'view',
            'DELETE' => 'delete',
        'http' // optionally we may add here a context of the route to clarify the type of the route

    // cli example
    $userExport = new Route(
        '|^users export(\s(?P<format>(json|html|xml|rss)))?$|i', // format is optional
        'users export %format%',


The main idea of the Router() is to register, assembling and find matched routes.

Http example


    use Tiny\Http\Request;
    use Tiny\Http\RequestHttpParams;
    use Tiny\Router\Route;
    use Tiny\Router\Router;

    // before using the router we must initialize the `Request` object
    $request = new Request(
        new RequestHttpParams($_SERVER) // let's assume our request is: `/users`

    $router = new Router($request);

    // in case when the router cannot find a matched route this one will be returned
    $router->setDefaultRoute(new Route(

    $router->registerRoute(new Route(

    $matchedRoutes = $router->getMatchedRoute(); // we expect the user's route here

CLI example


    use Tiny\Http\Request;
    use Tiny\Http\RequestCliParams;
    use Tiny\Router\Route;
    use Tiny\Router\Router;

    $request = new Request(
        new RequestCliParams($_SERVER) // let's assume our request is: `users import`

    $router = new Router($request);

    $router->registerRoute(new Route(
        'users import',

    $matchedRoutes = $router->getMatchedRoute(); // we expect the user's route here

Universal example

In this scenario we build a router which is responsible for working in both modes CLI, and HTTP as well. It means you may have a one single place for all your requests.


    use Tiny\Http\Request;
    use Tiny\Http\RequestHttpParams;
    use Tiny\Http\RequestCliParams;
    use Tiny\Router\Route;
    use Tiny\Router\Router;

    $request = new Router\Request(( // auto detect the current mode (CLI or HTTP)
        php_sapi_name() === 'cli'
            ? new RequestCliParams($_SERVER)
            : new RequestHttpParams($_SERVER)

    $router = new Router($request);

    $router->registerRoute(new Route(

    $router->registerRoute(new Route(

    // now we are ready to accept either HTTP's `/users` or CLI's `users` request
    $matchedRoutes = $router->getMatchedRoute();

Assemble request example

Assembled requests may be used as a part of links on your web site.


    use Tiny\Http\Request;
    use Tiny\Http\RequestHttpParams;
    use Tiny\Router\Route;
    use Tiny\Router\Router;

    $request = new Request(
        new RequestHttpParams($_SERVER)

    $router = new Router($request);

    $router->registerRoute(new Route(

    $router->registerRoute(new Route(
            'GET' => 'view',
            'DELETE' => 'delete',

    $router->registerRoute(new Route(
        'users import',

    // prints: `/users`
    $listRequest = $router->assembleRequest(

    // prints: `/users/100`
    $viewRequest = $router->assembleRequest(
        ['id' => 100]

    // prints: `users import`
    $importRequest = $router->assembleRequest(